Motivators Assessment
Understanding what motivates us,
what inspires us, and what we deem important is a vital first step in self awareness and improving human performance and effectiveness.

What are Motivators?
Understanding what motivates us, what inspires us, and what we deem important is a vital first step in self-awareness and improving human performance and effectiveness.
Motivator Theory
The Motivators filter and guide decisions uniquely for each person, influencing individual priorities and decision-making.
Motivators will help you understand your unique beliefs providing a clear course on how to maximize performance by achieving better alignment and passion for what you do.
Motivators provides insight into what we want and what we believe to be true, important, or fundamental based on our formative years and our learning experiences.
What we believe influences how we behave so the motivators can help us understand why we do what we do.
What are the 7 Motivators?
There are seven dimensions of motivation the filter and guide our
behaviors and decisions. It is vital to remember that although we can
explore each motivation individually, they cannot be separated. They
can be distinguished; however, all motivators integrate to
influence us.​
The Seven
Economic - drive for a return on investment
Individualistic - drive to stand out as independent and unique
Power - drive to be in control or have influence
Altruistic - drive to help others at the expense of self
Regulatory - drive to establish order, routine and structure
Theoretical - drive for knowledge, learning and understanding
There are many benefits of learning what Motivators influence us.
Our Motivators combine distinctively for each person to reveal our priorities and guide our decision-making.
It is vital for optimal performance that our motivations are satisfied by what we do. They drive our passions, reduce fatigue, and inspire us.
Behavior (how we act) is determined by emotion (how we feel). Motivators are the reason(s) that drive us to want to act in a particular way.